Gel Blaster Academy
General instruction to get start with your gel ...
1. How to grow the gel balls? You should pour a minimum of 2L of clean water into a large container and add 1/4 packet of gel balls to it....
General instruction to get start with your gel ...
1. How to grow the gel balls? You should pour a minimum of 2L of clean water into a large container and add 1/4 packet of gel balls to it....

FAQ: What types of battery should you buy for g...
When you buy a gel blaster, you need to know the type of battery suitable for your gel blaster. Different gel blaster has different battery plug, and can handle different...
FAQ: What types of battery should you buy for g...
When you buy a gel blaster, you need to know the type of battery suitable for your gel blaster. Different gel blaster has different battery plug, and can handle different...

FAQ: Can Gen 9 gearbox fits into Gen 8 gel blas...
If your gearbox get broken, you may want to replace it with a new one. Can a v2 gearbox fit into a gen 8 gearbox? Can a v3 gearbox fit into...
FAQ: Can Gen 9 gearbox fits into Gen 8 gel blas...
If your gearbox get broken, you may want to replace it with a new one. Can a v2 gearbox fit into a gen 8 gearbox? Can a v3 gearbox fit into...

FAQ: How to upgrade gel blaster plastic inner b...
The inner barrel of a gel gun is around 27 -35cm. If your gel blaster comes with an acrylic plastic inner barrel, you can upgrade it with an aluminum barrel.
FAQ: How to upgrade gel blaster plastic inner b...
The inner barrel of a gel gun is around 27 -35cm. If your gel blaster comes with an acrylic plastic inner barrel, you can upgrade it with an aluminum barrel.

Latest Review Differences between Airsoft vs Ge...
Gelsoft shoots 400 or more FPS after upgrades, which is similar to the limit that Airsoft can do. In this post, we will dive deep into the differences between gelsoft...
Latest Review Differences between Airsoft vs Ge...
Gelsoft shoots 400 or more FPS after upgrades, which is similar to the limit that Airsoft can do. In this post, we will dive deep into the differences between gelsoft...

JM Series - Review of All Jinming Gel blasters ...
Jinming has been a major brand in the Gel Gun industry. M4A1 Gen 8 and M4A1 Gen 9 are very popular options for gel gun players around the world. What...
JM Series - Review of All Jinming Gel blasters ...
Jinming has been a major brand in the Gel Gun industry. M4A1 Gen 8 and M4A1 Gen 9 are very popular options for gel gun players around the world. What...